[상식] 테일러 스위프트의 왕따 일화


테일러 스위프트의 왕따 일화

ref. 1 에서 관련 영상을 확인할 수 있다. 여기는 그 script 만 적어놨다.

자신이 따돌림 당했던 이야기:

The whole reason I started writeing a song is I was alone a lot of time

Oh my god, this party we are going to is gonna be so awesome on Friday. Everyone is invited except for her over there!

It’s okay Cuz I can write a song about this later.

자신을 따돌렸던 친구들과 콘서트에서 만단 스위프트:

Taylor: They booked a show in my hometown in pensilyvenia and I was like um… These girls who like kinda ditched me in middle school waited in line for hours with like t-shirts and pictures It was unbelievable for them to just kinda forget about when we were kids

Mc: If I were you, I would have been like ‘Who are you?’

Taylor: Not in my blood~

따돌림 당하는 어린소녀에게 전해준 스위프트의 댓글:

Taylor, why are people at school so mean? .. I don’t know what to do anymore. Hannahhh…… Reading this made me so sad. I know why you’re crying because I’ve been in your place This isn’t a high school thing or an age thing. It’s a people thing. A life thing. People cut other people down for entertainment, because of jealousy, because of something broken inside them, or for no reason at all It’s just what they do, and you’re a target because you live your life loudly and boldly. You’re bright and joyful and so many people are cynical. They won’t understad you and they won’t understand me. But the only way they win is if your tears turn you to stone and make you better like them. Just don’t let the change you or stop you.

You’re going to high school this week and this is your chance to push the reset button on how much value you give the opinions of these kids, most of whom have no idea who they are. If they don’t like you for being yourself, be yourself even more. Every time someone picks on me, I’ll think of you in hopes that every time someone picks on you, you’ll think of me… Let them keep living in the darkness and we’ll keep walking in the sunlight. Forever on your side Taylor


  1. 왕따 피해자가 엄청나게 성공한 뒤 우연히 가해자를 만났는데…… - YouTube, 2019-03-18


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